Monday, 21 November 2016

What You Say or Write

What You Talk or Write on
                  Could Be For or Against

Mankind like to be free. He cuddles freedom like a new found bride. What he forget is that, in life, absolute freedom will be his albatross.
The mechanical contraptions could not have made good sense, if breaking mechanism is not in place. In this time and age, modern man feels he is not to be restricted. By this, he craves Liberty, then liberation, then freedom of expression.

Freedom for a Muslim is not absolute. Freedom is enjoyed with absolute sense of responsibility. You are responsible to your self no doubt. Where you are irresponsible, you and those around you suffers the consequence of your irresponsibility.

The man is a component of many parts. The part of the organs that controls the speeches of humankind are as many as the scientist could point at. The visible organs are the tongue, the teeth and the lips; all of these housed in the mouth.

To ensure the mouth is not "running" without control, the tongue is partially fixed to the floor of the mouth, gagged or imprisoned in a cage by the teeth and partially closed-in by the two soft lips.

It means that your personal effort is needed in order for the mouth to make speeches. Even then, the vocal is not automatic not minding the presence of various organ and its controls.

The Muslim is guided and advised to make correct speeches. He is told accounting for his saying is assured. He is responsible and accountable for what he says or do. We pray for guidance.

Belief and Guardian are Siemens twins:
"Allah is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of darkness into the light, and as to those who disbelieve, their guardians are Shaitans who take them out of light into the darkness; they are the inmates of the fire, in it they shall abide". Qur'an (2:257)

You Are Put on Notice:- The Prophet (s.a.w) said:
 "whatever I forbid you from doing, do not do them.
   Whatever I command you to do,
 Do as much of it as you are capable of doing"

A Muslim is constantly reminded to be alive to his responsibility; as it is a fact that what you talk or write about could be for or against you.

It Appears Easy:
Talking appears very easy. However when you watch a stammerer making effort at forming sentences, you come to realize that it is not so easy after all. This is how you will feel if you reflect. If you can reflect. Only a sober and guided person is capable of reflecting. We pray for continuous guardian. 

Simple Observation May Help:
If you take time to watch the dumb making greater effort at communicating, you then come to the conclusion that talking is not as simple as calling "Mama" or "Baba".

The Cost of Talking-The-Talk:
Let us now see how cost  or price could be attached to what comes out of your mouth. The cheapest of the network cost 20kobo per secs. That in Naira and kobo is #12:00 per min. #720 per hour 
#2880:00 per four hours. #20160 per week,
 #80,640:00 per month. #967,680:00 per year.
*using Nigeria Naira and Kobo as the currency of calculation*
That is using 4hr in a period of 24 hrs as bench mark!
You do not need to be an economist or financial analyst to acknowledge the fact that talk or talking the talk does not come cheap. 
All the network provider are charging you for is the technology provided by sciences and engineering. The tool of communication itself is a gift of and from Allah (s.w.t). In this case: tongue, teeth and the two lips.

The Phone used is not part of the cost yet. The price is according to the deepness of your purse and taste you have cultivated over time. 

Is it not better for you to reflect on the Creator of this fanciful being called Mankind and be thankful to Allah s.w.t

Worth of Your Speeches:
Let us now put value to your speeches. Of what value is what you say. To what benefit do you use the speech organs. For what purpose. If what you say brings trouble to the hearts, you have a burden. If what you say is injurious to the people, uh, you have a problem.

There are people that will be very busy at either abusing someone, cursing or gossiping. The talking some people get involved in destroys the people and society.  Of what value is your speech(s) to yourself, family, friend or Nation. None!

As a Believer: You Should Know:
The number One article of Faith is to belief in Allah, the Omnipotent, Omniscient etc. as well as belief in the Messengers of Allah.  
For a Muslim, it is an article of Faith to belief. Belief in the existence of Angels is a cardinal faith. The Angels carry out the order of their Maker without hesitation.

Sheikh Bilal Philips( May Allah accept his works) is worth quoting here.
"When you open your mouth to talk, 
choose the very same words that you would use if Allah is near you. Because He is!"

You and Your Soul: Allah is in-between:
"And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein." [50:16]

If you are aware of this, will it benefit you to spend your entire time to be abusing people, gossip or to slander. When you realize the fact that you will be called to account for what you say, you will use the lock provided to control your speech; the teeth and the lips. Uh!

The Essence of Life is for you to be mindful of your actions.

At all time, it is better for you to remember that:
What You Talk or Write on
                  Could Be For or Against
For contact: Islamic Family Foundation


Saturday, 5 November 2016

Going Into Marriage part 2

Going Into Marriage?
                    A good way to start is....   
                                   Never Hate Each Other

                Get Old in Your Marriage
"There is no shame in growing old married as the other alternative is to kill the marriage within your house". 

"Essence of Life" is dedicated to those in marriage, thinking of getting married, and about to get married. 

When your perception of life is a trouble-free and your perception of married life has a glassy romantic glaze, am begins to pity a character such as that. Pity is the adjective used for want of a better word!

A poetic statement: 
                Part 1 
Marriage is not meant for stupid people.
But stupid people get married anyway
Marriage is not for fools
But foolish people get married anyway
Marriage is not for the silly ones
Silly ones get married anyway
But I tell the intending couple.......
Happy marriage is not meant to be a long dance to the blue Danube
But you can make your marriage a lullaby for you, yours  and the household
                   Part 2
There are things you must do
There are things you must see 
There are thing you will see and pretend not to see
There things you will hear and pretend you did not hear
Winning argument will not give you happiness
This is because
Lasting and enduring married life
Is not a fluke
It is work in progress

                  Part 3
Wedding ceremony is cost expended, 
Romance in marriage is drama acted, but 
Happiness in marriage cannot be bought, but 
it is also not free of cost
Marriage is like a bed
As you lay it so you lie on it
Make your bed clean and neat, sweat dream become yours and for yours truly
  It is not meant for the arrogant too. The stupid and arrogant I tell you will make a mess of boiled egg.

For a marriage to breakup or breakdown, one or both of the partners is either arrogant, foolish or arrogantly foolish.

What is obvious:
It does not matter whether the man is good or the lady is nice, a stupid husband will mess up a clever wife and an arrogant wife will mess up a patient husband. 

Way Out and Maintaining Balance:
When the wife notices the husband is angry, let her appease him
When the husband notices his wife is not pleased with him, he should appease her.

That to me is the reason for coming together. So said one of our noble predecessor 

With The Name of Allah The Eternally Merciful The Especially Merciful 
Living in Harmony:
Never hate each other; never be jealous of each other; never think ill of each other; never boycott each other.  Always remain brothers/sisters unto each other, o servants of Allah. (Muslim)

High Expectation:
The families expects so much from each spouse
The friends both wife and husband expects so much
The truth is that it is when both couple are stable the family is said to have built a home. Expectations of people should not be a priority

The Spouses:
The couple rightly so expects so much from the other; Rightly so. 
What couple in marriage need to know is that favors from Allah are not evenly distributed. The need for coming together is to compliment one another especially in terms of needs or lacks, and this needs or lacks varies from time to time.
Placing material procession on the front burner
Eventually burn the marriage to ashes

Patience and Tolerance are not evenly available virtues:
While some are easy to please, some are difficult to please while some are very difficult to please
While some are reasonable, some are very sensible and some are very sensitive 
The most dangerous a relationship is with a person that is easy to anger and difficult to appease
Choose wisely and pray fervently
Marriage is a potpourri of discoveries. In marriage, there is no surprises

To those that care to listen to voice of reason, being married and remaining married is "work in progress"

Health, wealth, and longevity are as available as Allah (Majesty is His) Wills it and apportion it.

The most intelligent of the two spouse does not determine whom will be financially up

Neither is it the most apparently healthy will be the last to depart the earth, uh, but truth must be told for those who cares to listen.
These are things Allah determines as He pleases.

While you are alive:
The duty of one is the right of the other.
The right of one is therefore the duty of the other

When the expectation is within reason and reliance is on Allah
Your family operates on autopilot whether in scarcity or surplus

Jealousy / Anger is a set back
"Beware of jealousy or anger
For verily it destroy good deeds the way fire destroy dried grass"

What You Need Remember:
"To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth 
And Allah has power over all things" (3:189)

The Couple's Prayer among other prayers:
"Our Lord give us in this world 
That which is good 
And in the hereafter, that which is good
And protect us from the fire of hell" (2:201)
              On Blog: 

Again The Prophet Speaks:
 "A pious wife who helps you in religious and worldly affair is better than all treasures" Sahih Al-Jami 5355

Allah says:
The man is the pillar of the woman
This is an enormous responsibility placed on the shoulder of the husband. Taking decision when it matters is included.
The essence of life is for you to know that when going into marriage make up your mind to....
Never hate each other; never be jealous of each other; never think ill of each other; never boycott each other.  

If any of this is about to happen or has happened seek help.

At the end of the day:
People may give you great advice, but ultimately, only Allah gives perfect Guidance.

Thanks to Allah for guidance, continuous blessing and peace to the best of mankind and I pray it extend to the sincere followers of the Deen till the day of kiyyamah 

             For Contact 

Friday, 21 October 2016

Wives Have Right Over You

Wives have Right over you:
                    Same as you have over them
That Islam is ahead of the Western World in the way and manner a female is viewed is not in doubt. While Islam see the female as an entity; a human created with similar needs and feelings, an entity that should be loved, cared for and protected, while retaining her dignity, family name and honor.

The West sees and present the female as an object; a play-thing, a toy at best. To be used, displayed and disposed. The West make presence at honoring the woman while in reality, the glamorized view of females is an added burden to her overflowing challenges.

For in trying to meet up with the glamorous life, she becomes the object of abuse of all kinds. Financial as well as sex abuse becomes her lot as she struggles to meet-up!

Our view today therefore is to present the woman of the house. The one in charge of the heart of the matter and outline the delicate balance she occupies in the affairs of Muslim husband and her home.

I Begin:
In The Name of Allah The Eternally Merciful The Especially Merciful.
I offer salutation to the best of Mankind, Muhammad (pbuh). May the peace and blessings be perpetual till the Day of Kiyyamah. Amin

The Common Complain of Oppressed Wives:
People assume that any time the wife is not happy, the issue must be financial. The complaints of wives against most of the husbands is beyond material. This time around, it is a matter of emotion. Emotion, is the heart of the matter.

 Cross-Cutting Issue:
The complaint is not restricted to Faith, tribe or number of wife in the family. A surprising fact is that most women that complain ofloneliness are in one-man one-wife marriages. Muslim and non Muslim alike. Then I enquire what the issues are? What I could pick among other issues are: unfaithfulness from hubby and abandonment. 
This also has nothing to do with lack of slush fund. In actual fact, cases of loneliness or abandonment is more common among the well-to-do in terms of the size of pocket or Bank balance.

In Islam
Among the Kabair  (Great Sins) are:
^Worshiping any other thing except Allah: either in images, human or animal form, 
*Disobedience to parents: you do not say fie to your parents. Under all condition you must speak to them words of comfort with s soft tone.
*Eating the property of orphans: denying the orphan of his or her inheritance is like eating fire into your stomach and 
Last but not the least is when a man abandon his family !

It is this last point that we shall be looking into in today's episode.

Statement of The Prophet (pbuh):
"Allah will not accept the worship of a slave that run away from his master until he returns nor father that abandon his family until he returns home"

It is good to note that:
Abandonment is not limited to when you physically leave your house . When you are not talking and it extend beyond 3 days is abandonment
When you turn your back on her just to oppress her is abandonment
When you are not making provision for feeding of the family and you have the means, is abandonment 
When you are not responsible to the welfare of your children and you have the means is abandonment 

The cracked heart:
In all of these, it is part of human frailties. It does not matter what your skin color, tribe, educational status or social standing in the community. When you are farther away from Allah s.w.t and you missed the company of the pious, then Shaitan get hold of you.

When Shaitan occupies the heart of man, only Allah is capable of mending a broken heart.

The Florious Qur'an speaks:
Suratul Furqan (25:1)
"Blessed is He who sent down the Furqan upon His servant that he may be a Warner to the nations."

Beware of Dog is a popular slogan of the houses where canine animals are used as security accompaniment. The dog recognizes his owner and few members of the household that cares for her. Even at that, it sometimes bite its owner. As aggressive as the dog can be, it can be tamed. In fact, every animal is trainable by man. Allah (Majesty is. his) has subjected the animals to mankind

Shaitan the Decil:
But the devil is a jinn. An evil spirit that whispers evil into the mind and heart of anyone that is negligent or distant from the message of Allah (Majesty is His) and his Messengers (pbuh). The Shaitan has agent among humankind and animals. Therefore, I can only tell you to:

Be careful and beware of Shaitan:
Suratul Nisai 4:1
"O people, be careful of (your duty to) your Lord. Who created you from a single being and created its mate of the same kind and spread from these two, countless men and women; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, by whom ye demand one of another, your  rights, and to the ties of relationship, surely Allah ever watches over you".

Beware of the Shaitan oh Believers: 
Suratul Nur 24:21
"O you who believe! Do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan, and whosoever follows the footsteps of Shaitan, then surely 
he bids the doing of indecency and evil, and 
were it not for Allah's grace upon you and His mercy,
 not one of you would have ever been pure, but 
Allah purifies whom He pleases, and Allah is Hearing , Knowing" 

Marriage is purity. Ask those that are not married and are in illegal relationship, they will tell you there is no fulfillment. No purity!

If Gold can rust, tell me what becomes of lesser metals. What becomes of wood. What becomes of clay. The Gold must not rust, brothers and sisters. The should be saved and the foundation of the home is the marriage.

In advising men that are married to more than one woman at a time, Allah s.w.t warn the believing men, "not to abandon one wife, as it were, hanging like a rag".

That is to say do not wreck the wife emotionally. At any age, the married woman loves the company and attention of her husband.

What do we attribute a one-man one-wife that treats his wife like a rag, abandoning her bed, not divorcing her and yet, she is not into marriage real time.

How do you want your Ibaadat to be accepted.

Whoever is not merciful to the creature of Allah (Majesty is His), it will be difficult for such a character to get mercy from Allah (Majesty is His)

The Essence of life 

Your Wives have Right over you:
                    Same as you have over them
Be close to your wives and share in her joy and pain. That in essence is marriage.

For contact:08033175075

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Matters Arrising: Capturing The Beast

                       Matters Arising: Capturing The Beast
I am not a hunter. Neither have I ever hunted. I am however aware of the existence of professional hunters.
There are many reason someone may go for hunting among which it could be for game for fun or game for food.
There are area designated for hunting and there are area restricted for gaming. If however animals from the game reserve or from the wild escape into the village, town or city Centre; what method will you adopt to apprehend the wild beast.
       Questions that are Germaine and which will run through the chief, village head and in the case of a Country, Mr President will be the safety of the people,p- the human community..
     Nobody whistles to a beast to return to the wild. Neither will the President capture the beasts with bare hand. There should be no according of animal's right where the life and safety of human being is concerned.
        If you agree that the first duty of the leadership is the relative safety of the common man. Then, there should be no clapping nor whistling at the beast to return to cage. Don't forget the fact that the beast is wild.
         A corrupt judge is more or less a beast. Someone said a corrupt judge is a poisonous snake as well as a lion that has tasted blood. When the beast is a colony, do you send after it a Dane gun hunter? What in the case of the recent arrest of Corrupt judges in our dear country amount to is that, wild beasts have invade the nation. Urgent rescue mission is needed. There is no nice way to arrest a vampire. In fact, there is no gentle way to kill a rabid dog or a lion running around in the city. All method and every method is legal, so long as the people are saved from the wild, wild beast.

Friday, 7 October 2016

What You Talk Could Be For or Against

What You Talk Could Be For or Against

Freedom for a Muslim is not absolute. Freedom is enjoyed with absolute sense of responsibility. You are responsible to your self no doubt. Where you are irresponsible, you and those around you suffers the consequence of your irresponsibility.

The man is a component of many parts. The part of the organs that controls the speeches of humankind are as many as the scientist could point at. The visible organs are the tongue, the teeth and the lips; all of these housed in the mouth.

To ensure the mouth is not just running, the tongue is partially fixed to the floor of the mouth, gagged or imprisoned in a caged by the teeth and partially closed-in by the two soft lips.

It means that your personal effort is needed in order for the mouth to make speeches. Even then, the vocal is not automatic not minding the presence of various organ and its controls.

The Muslim is guided and advised to make correct speeches. He is told accounting for his saying is a assured. He is responsible and accountable for what he says or do. We pray for guidance.

Belief and Guardian are Siemens twins:
"Allah is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of darkness into the light, and as to those who disbelieve, their guardians are Shaitans who take them out of light into the darkness; they are the inmates of the fire, in it they shall abide". 2:257

You Are Put on Notice:- The Prophet (s.a.w) said:
 "whatever I forbid you from doing, do not do them.
   Whatever I command you to do,
 Do as much of it as you are capable of doing"

A Muslim is constantly reminded to be alive to his responsibility; as it is a fact that what you talk or write about could be for or against you.

It Appears Easy:
Talking appears very easy. However when you watch a stammerer making effort at forming sentences, you come to realize that it is not so easy after all. This is how you will feel if you reflect. If you can reflect. Only a sober and guided person is capable of reflecting. We pray for continuous guardian. 

Simple Observation May Help:
If you take time to watch the dumb making greater effort at communicating, you then come to the conclusion that talking is not as simple as calling Mama or Baba.

The Cost of Talking The Talk:
Let us now see how cost could be attached to what comes out of your mouth. The cheapest of the network cost 20kobo per secs. That in Naira and kobo is #12:00 per min. #720 per hour 
#2880:00 per four hours. #20160 per week,
 #80,640:00 per month. #967,680:00 per year.
That is using 4hr in a period of 24 hrs as bench mark!
You do not need to be an economist or financial analyst to acknowledge the fact that talk or talking the talk does not come cheap. 
All the network provider are charging you for is the technology provided by sciences and engineering. The tool of communication itself is a gift of and from Allah (s.w.t).

The Phone used is not part of the cost yet. The price is according to deepness of your purse and taste. 

Is it not better for you to reflect on the Creator of this fanciful being called Mankind and be thankful to Allah s.w.t

Worth of Your Speeches:
Let us now put value to your speeches. Of what value is what you say. To what benefit do you use the speech organs. For what purpose. If what you say brings trouble to the hearts, you have a burden. If what you say is injurious to the people, uh, you have a problem.

There are people that will be very busy at either abusing someone, cursing or gossiping. The talking some people get involved in destroys the people and society.  Of what value is your speech(s) to yourself, family, friend or Nation. None!

As a Believer: You Should Know:
The number One article of Faith is to belief in Allah, the Omnipotent, Omniscient etc. as well as belief in the Messengers of Allah.  
For a Muslim, it is an article of Faith to belief. Belief in the existence of Angels is a cardinal faith. The Angels carry out the order of their Maker without hesitation.

Sheikh Bilal Philips( May Allah accept his works) is worth quoting here.
"When you open your mouth to talk, 
choose the very same words that you would use if Allah is near you. Because He is!"

You and Your Soul: Allah is in-between:
"And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein." [50:16]

If you are aware of this, will it benefit you to spend your entire time to be abusing people, gossip or to slander. When you realize the fact that you will be called to account for what you say, you will use the lock provided to control your speech; the teeth and the lips. Uh!

Or call 08033175075
Join me on:

Monday, 19 September 2016

Beauty Is Good.....but

Beauty is Good
                 But Beauty Fades
Often I look and gaze
I gaze at nature in its splendor
Is it the sky that is spread above 
A canopy of sort
Or the earth with it's hills, water bodies and vegetation
There is no word to describe the above 
Other than beautiful ........

The Humankind is of another beauty
Unique in a kind of way
While the feminine is said to be beautiful
The masculine is handsome
The two wording merger connote attraction
Beauty is fragile
Just as being handsome is delicate
It needs handled withe care

The truth of life
And it's reality told
Is that beauty fades
Beauty wears
Beauty tears
This is so 
As beauty is delicate and fragile
Handle it with care 

Saturday, 17 September 2016

The Beautiful Family

The Beauty of Family
I have always wonder
Any time I ponder
It is always a wonder
As I grow fonder 
Of relatives and family

Nothing can substitute
Not friend 
Not work
No recreation either
When you are blessed with family
That you are fond of
The family that is fond of you

O Allah 
Bless the family of Muhammad
As you have blessed the family of Prophet Ibrahim 
O Allah bless my family
By the virtues of the nobility of The two Messengers of Allah 
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon them and me. Amin

Sunday, 4 September 2016

With Faith in Allah the Devil is Weak !

With Faith in Allah 
                   The Devil is weak
                       M.    Obey Allah all The Way

In The Name of Allah The Eternally Merciful The Especially Merciful.
   There is no one on the surface of the earth that had or will ever have or has ever had the trials, test or tribulation Prophet Ibrahim passes through in his life time. No one among the common folks and non among the Messengers and Apostles of Allah. Peace and blessing of Allah be upon them. Amin
Yet, despite the travails of life and persecution of the nobles of his time, Prophet Ibrahim remain resolute in belief and steadfast in his faith.
   The beauty of Faith in Allah s.w.t is that when you belief in Allah with your heart, the belief settles in your mind, you dedicate your life and sacrifice to Allah alone, you will always overcome your travails.

Prophet Ibrahim was ready to sacrifice his son.
His wife Hajar took heart when her husband informed her of his vision
Ishmael direct his father to carry out the injunction of Allah!
Ishmael told his father thus: "if Allah wills you will find me patient". Subhanalllah!!!
      On the way to carry out the sacrifice to Allah.
The devil double crossed the noble family.
  The devil whispers to Ibrahim, "consider the age you bore this son. You are over hundred now, will you ever have another child"?

Just a pebble thrown at the devil defeated it. Prophet Ibrahim threw some pebbles at the Shaitan.

To the mother of Ishmael, Hajar, the devil whispered to her. "Your husband is going to kill your only child"
"Your husband will always get another child from another wife"
She too threw pebble at the devil. Seeking refuge unto Allah away from Shaitan the accursed .
To Ishmael the devil accosted and whispered to him, "you are allowing these two people to cut short your life. You are young and you have a long years ahead of you, run away"!
Like parents like child. He too threw pebble at the devil
Victory to the family!
The family that is united in Faith and trusting Allah will always overcome the whispers of the devil!
Meaning that if you are steadfast in your Faith in Allah, Shaetan or its agent will never overcome you or your family. The choice is yours.
     Allah says of this event: "these was a momentous trial".
"We left it as for the coming generation to emulate".
The Tradition of Ibrahim and his sacrificeSubsist:
Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "The son of Adam does not do any action on the day of sacrifice which is more pleasing to Allah than the sacrifice of animals; the animal will come on the Day of Resurrection with its hair, horns and hooves (for reward). The blood certainly reaches Allah before it falls to the ground. So make yourselves purified therewith.(Tirmizi and Sunan ibn Majah)"
You as a Muslim should put your life, wealth and children to the propagation of Islam.
Cut your nails on the last day of shulqadah
Shave or barb your hair
The woman should plait her hair 
Start fasting from the 1st day of Dhulhijjah if you like
Endeavor to fast the 9th day of Dhulhijjah.
That day is Arafat day. You are assured of reward of forgiveness of sin of two years! Past and coming
On the day of Arafah, Allah will show you off to His Angels and be proud of you.               
The Essence of life is for you to know that 
With Faith in Allah 
              Believing and dedicating worship and sacrifice to Him alone
With just a pebble, you defeat the devil and its agent. 

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Going Into Marriage?

Going Into Marriage?
                    A good way to start is....   
                                   Never Hate Each Otherﷺ.  
In The Name of Allah The Eternally Merciful The Especially Merciful
Today's "Essence of Life" is dedicated to those in marriage, thinking of getting married, about to get marry especially in recent times. 

A poetic statement: 
Marriage is not meant for stupid people.
But stupid people get married anyway
Marriage is not for fools
But foolish people get married anyway
Marriage is not for the silly ones
Silly ones get married anyway
But I tell the intending couple.......
Happy marriage is not meant to be a long dance to the blue Danube
But you can make your marriage a lullaby for you, yours  and the household

Wedding ceremony is cost expended, 
Romance in marriage is drama acted, but 
Happiness in marriage cannot be bought, but 
it is also not free of cost
Marriage is like a bed
As you lay it so you lie on it
Make your bed clean and neat, sweat dream become your and for yours truly
  It is not meant for the arrogant too. The stupid and arrogant I tell you will make a mess of boiled egg.

For a marriage to breakup or breakdown, one or both of the partners is either arrogant, foolish or arrogantly foolish.

What is obvious:
It does not matter whether the man is good or the lady is nice, a stupid husband will mess up a clever wife and an arrogant wife will mess up a patient husband. 

Way Out and Maintaining Balance:
When the wife notices the husband is angry, let her appease him
When the husband notices his wife is not pleased with him, he should appease her.

That to me is the reason for coming together. So said one of our noble predecessor 

From The Messenger of Allah:
Never hate each other; never be jealous of each other; never think ill of each other; never boycott each other.  Always remain brothers/sisters unto each other, o servants of Allah. (Muslim)

High Expectation:
The families expects so much from each spouse
The friends both wife and husband expects so much
The truth is that it is when both couple are stable the family is said to build a home. Expectations of people should not be a priority

The Spouses:
The couple rightly so expects so much from the other; Rightly so. 
What couple in marriage need to know is that favors from Allah are not evenly distributed. The need for coming together is to compliment one another especially in terms of needs or lacks, and this needs or lacks varies from time to time.

Patience and Tolerance are not evenly available virtues:
While some are easy to please, some are difficult to please while some are very difficult to please
While some are reasonable, some are very sensible and some are very sensitive 
Marriage is a potpourri of discoveries. In marriage, read yourselves

To those that care to listen to voice of reason, marriage is "work in progress"

Health, wealth, and longevity are as available as Allah wills it and apportion it.

The most intelligent of the two spouse does not determine whom will be financially up

These are blessings Allah determines as He pleases.

The duty of one is the right of the other.
The right of one is therefore the duty of the other

When the expectation is within reason and reliance is on Allah
Your family operates on autopilot whether in scarcity or surplus

Jealousy is a set back
"Beware of jealousy
For verily it destroy good deeds the way fire destroy wood"

What You Need Remember:
"To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth 
And Allah has power over all things" (3:189)

The Muslim Couple Prayer among other prayers:
"Our Lord give us in this world 
That which is good 
And in the hereafter, that which is good
And protect us from the fire of hell" (2:201)

Again The Prophet Speaks:
 "A pious wife who helps you in religious and worldly affair is better than all treasures" Sahih Al-Jami 5355

The essence of life is for you to know that when going into marriage make up your mind to....
Never hate each other; never be jealous of each other; never think ill of each other; never boycott each other.  

If any of this is about to happen or has happened seek help.

At the end of the day:
People may give you great advice, but ultimately, only Allah gives perfect Guidance.

Thanks to Allah for guidance, continuous blessing and peace to the best of mankind and I pray it extend to the sincere followers of the Deen till the day of kiyyamah 

Grow Old Age and in Your Marriage
There is no shame in growing old as the only other alternative is to die young.

Doer of Right Against Wrong Doer

                 Doer of Right Against Wrong Doer
                              Welcoming Both Equally
                                       Is Against Natural Justices

In The Name of Allah The Entirely Merciful The Especially Merciful

Evil have always been a coward. The devil is forever weak. It has power only on those that are weak of Faith. With Faith and sufficient courage, truth usually defeat evil.
Recent Experience:
The terrorist are dressing like mad people which I think they are, it is better for the intelligence network to act like them; that is pretending to be mad. The African adage says, "to catch a monkey you have to behave like a Monkey!
The ironies:
Everyone wants to be treated nicely. Even the one that disrespect you will not hesitate to tell you that he deserve to be respected. 
A husband has the capacity to do good or evil
A wife has a choice to do good or evil
A head of unit, division organization or Ministry, Department and Agencies (MDAs), State Governor, Legislator, Governor or President; each occupier of these offices have a choice to either do good or evil.
It is an individual choice. The fact is that whoever does a good act, deed it to his own soul. Whosoever does evil, does it to the loss of his own soul
Meaning that it is the doer of evil that is at a loss. The truth is when you do good, you reap goodness. 

The dummy
If you have ever been told that the poor, the ill-literate or the artisans are the common criminal, know that you have been sold a dummy. 
But First Let all hasten on the Qur'an advice:
 "When the Qur'an is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your peace, that you may receive mercy" 7:204

The Unchanging Truth:
In Islam, truth is Constant. What are the unchanging truth?
Allah is One- Meaning that there is a Creator for the creation
Prophets and Messengers are true. The last is Muhammad
Birth and Death are true- Denying it does not mean it has not happen or it will not happen
Resurrection is true- That the dead are not risen yet does not mean it will never happen. it will happen
Accountability on Judgment Day is truth
If you do not belief in these aforementioned. That is when you are called an unbeliever. 
If you claim Faith, that you belief, while you are committing evil or sinning, you are either a sinner, a criminal or both.

Consider These:
A male remains a male even if he puts on earring or appear feminine 
A female remains a female not minding when and if she succeeded in abusing her personality by transgender surgery. She remains a female
The leader is the leader among his peer, not minding whether the group is clean or criminally minded
In all sphere of life, profession or calling, the people have the tendency to do what is right as well as the capacity to do what is wrong.
So long as you have blood flowing in your veins, you need to by choice decide to do it right.
As for those who on purpose and by choice are evil doers, the Nation also should have a place for them in the institution, Prison. Let them serve the term either in the place of their birth or Church / Mosque where he/she is well known.
The Living-Dead:
Once conscience is dead, what is left of that person becomes brutish.

When you have committed crime repeatedly, you tend not to know the difference between right and wrong. 

When criminals find a way into leadership, the society has more words to describe a crime. Here we have criminal, common criminal and uncommon criminal.

The truth is that A criminal remain a criminal not minding his certificates or lack of degrees. Pen or ATM robber affect the society negatively just as armed robber, kidnapper, fake drug producer will affect the society.

A wife is a wife irrespective of whether she was a cleaner or bank executive, a wife is a wife.

Panacea For Good Life For All:-
Prophet Dawud, A Prophet, A King and A Judge:
٢٦  يَٰدَاوُۥدُ إِنَّا جَعَلْنَٰكَ خَلِيفَةً فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ فَٱحْكُم بَيْنَ ٱلنَّاسِ بِٱلْحَقِّ وَلَا تَتَّبِعِ ٱلْهَوَىٰ فَيُضِلَّكَ عَن سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ يَضِلُّونَ عَن سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ شَدِيدٌۢ بِمَا نَسُوا۟ يَوْمَ ٱلْحِسَابِ38: 26  
"O Dawud (David), We made you a ruler in the land, so judge between the people with justice, and do not follow desire, lest it diverts you from the path of Allah. Those who stray from the path of Allah will have a painful punishment, for having ignored the Day of Accountability."

Orderliness helps Growth:
٢٧  وَمَا خَلَقْنَا ٱلسَّمَآءَ وَٱلْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا بَٰطِلًا ۚ ذَٰلِكَ ظَنُّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ ۚ فَوَيْلٌ لِّلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ مِنَ ٱلنَّارِ27  
"We did not create the heaven and the earth and everything between them in vain. That is the assumption of those who disbelieve-so woe to those who disbelieve because of the Fire".

The Decent and the Rough:
٢٨  أَمْ نَجْعَلُ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ كَٱلْمُفْسِدِينَ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ أَمْ نَجْعَلُ ٱلْمُتَّقِينَ كَٱلْفُجَّارِ28

"Or are We to treat those who believe and do righteous deeds like those who make trouble on earth? Or are We to treat the pious like the shameless?"

The Essence of Life is that the good should be protected from the wicked that are truncating development. That is why hell is for the arrogantly arrogant and AlJannah for the humbly sincere in Faith.

                 Doer of Right Against Wrong Doer
                              Welcoming Both Equally
                                       Is Against Natural Justices

Family Bond And Obeying Allah Benefit All (Part1)

     When i examine the beautiful stories narrated by Allah (Majesty is His), two capture my heart in a manner that i could for lack of adequate word of description 'engagingly-beautiful'. of all the Prophets and Messengers from Allah mentioned in the Glorious Qur'an; Prophet Ibrahim's (Abraham) family life is full of life and it's lessons. The other is the story of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) personal life and his siblings.  
                       In The Name of Allah The Eternally Merciful The Especially Merciful
    In this edition, it is my desire to focus on Prophet Ibrahim (a.s), his wives and sons linking the steadfastness of these noble family to the issue of Faith and Trust in Allah.

    Prophet Ibrahim a.s was known to have suffered so much of life travails and, despite all of the challenges , he never falter in his belief and trust in Allah.

    The story of any Prophet or Messenger from Allah is better narrated from the point of view of the Glorious Qur'an.

    The first wife had a delay conceiving. The Angel branch at the Home of Prophet Ibrahim on their way to announce to Prophet Lot his Cousin that Sodomy and Gomorrah will be destroyed due to the people of lot loving obscene thing.

    Before leaving they inform prophet Ibrahim that he will have a Son. His wife overheard the conversation and she mockingly laughed at the announcement of the Messengers of Allah, for obvious reasons.

1. Her husband is elderly and she was then the only wife
2. she is also aged and well above child bearing age. even if there is going to be a child, it "cannot" be from her, she reasoned.

    The two Angels left and time passed, here are the subsequent events:
*Allah put it into the mind of Saarata (Seerah), the only wife then; to encourage her husband to marry the second wife.

*Hajjara (Hagar) was married to Ibrahim a.s; get pregnant and had the first child for Prophet Ibrahim
*Thirteen years plus after the announcement of the Angels; when Ishmael the first son have been tried and test and passed the test;
*The first wife then conceived and gave Ibrahim a.s the second son.

   Moral of the story:
when Allah s.w.t decide to favour you with whatever He has promised
Never let it pass through your mind that it is not possible
if at Saraata feels she is too old at 70 plus; what happened when thirteen years plus was added to 70+ years.

   That is what miracle is all about. Only the owner of the Heavens and the Earth is able to do that. The two Children were blessed and Islam was established through them.

All the first-set of Messengers and Prophets from Allah s.w.t were sent through Isaq (Isaac) a.s;
The Second Son of Ibrahim a.s which happen to be the first child of the first wife Saarata; while the last of the Messengers, Muhammad PBUH, came through the genealogy of Ishmael a.s the first Son from the second wife Hajara; Ishmael happen to be the first child of Prophet Ibrahim

there was a gap of more than thirteen years between the first child of Prophet Ibrahim a.s and the second child

Enjoy your reading

To be followed up later.  

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Trust Comes With The Truth

Trust Comes With The Truth When Breached It Becomes a Sad Story In The Name of Allah Entirely Merciful The Especially Merciful Trust is an interesting word. Everyone and anyone with blood flowing in his or her vein either want to trust someone or he want to be trusted by someone. The reality however is that the One and the Only deserving of the trust of man is the creator of heavens and the earth. Will tell you why in due course. Wait for this: you find people wanting people to trust them. The man that will not marry the lady want her to trust him The woman that is deceiving herself want the man to trust her The politician that is out to cheat the people is promising heaves a on earth. In all of these, when the person trusted failed to meet up with the basic trust, disappointment, betrayal, are vocabulary that plays around the mouth of people. The basic question is are there no one to be trusted? When people ask you to trust them, I tell you, they are out to cheat you. When people failed you, they blame it on the devil! The next is the word: Truth! Uh.... Truth!! Everyone will also not hesitate to ask people to tell them the Truth Truthfully speaking, do you want to hear the truth? If yes, are you cable of understanding the Truth? If yes, are you ready to accept the truth? If yes, are you ready to accept the Truth? Will you stand by the Truth anytime, any day, come rain come shine. The Truth is The male cannot be the female The animal cannot be the human The sky cannot be the soil The water is not same as sand Truth is consistent and constant Falsehood is inconsistent and changing As for falsehood, you will require more lies to defend the indefensible and falsehood remain what is was, falsehood. The Truth does not need vociferous defense, To call black white, you have a task not only on your brains but also on your heart. If a loose woman should inform her suitor the truth about her escapade, will he be able to stay by her? When you take alcohol or any form of intoxicant and you end up in an accident My dear reader, the burden of falsehood is enormous. When The Truth Was Told by The Custodian of Truth: Hoodudu Lahi Volume 8, Book 81, Number 793: Narrated Ubada bin As-Samit: I gave the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet with a group of people, and he said, 'I take your pledge that you will not worship anything besides Allah, will not steal, will not commit infanticide, will not slander others by forging false statements and spreading it, and will not disobey me in anything good. And whoever among you fulfill all these (obligations of the pledge), his reward is with Allah. And whoever commits any of the above crimes and receives his legal punishment in this world, that will be his expiation and purification. But if Allah screens his sin, it will be up to Allah, Who will either punish or forgive him according to His wish.' Witnessing and Trusting: Abu Abdullah said: 'If a thief repents after his hand has been cut off, then his witness will be accepted. Similarly, if any person upon whom any legal punishment has been inflicted, repents, his witness will be accepted.' When you are making a promise, say in Shaa Allah. If Allah wills. The Essence of life is for you to know that Allah has promise you the Truth. Trust Comes With The Truth When Breached It Becomes a Sad Story He created you. Death is a promise. Resurrection is a promise. All of these He will fulfill. If you breached trust by rejecting truth, uh, it becomes a sad story on Judgement day!