What You Talk or Write on
Could Be For or Against
Mankind like to be free. He cuddles freedom like a new found bride. What he forget is that, in life, absolute freedom will be his albatross.
The mechanical contraptions could not have made good sense, if breaking mechanism is not in place. In this time and age, modern man feels he is not to be restricted. By this, he craves Liberty, then liberation, then freedom of expression.
Freedom for a Muslim is not absolute. Freedom is enjoyed with absolute sense of responsibility. You are responsible to your self no doubt. Where you are irresponsible, you and those around you suffers the consequence of your irresponsibility.
The man is a component of many parts. The part of the organs that controls the speeches of humankind are as many as the scientist could point at. The visible organs are the tongue, the teeth and the lips; all of these housed in the mouth.
To ensure the mouth is not "running" without control, the tongue is partially fixed to the floor of the mouth, gagged or imprisoned in a cage by the teeth and partially closed-in by the two soft lips.
It means that your personal effort is needed in order for the mouth to make speeches. Even then, the vocal is not automatic not minding the presence of various organ and its controls.
The Muslim is guided and advised to make correct speeches. He is told accounting for his saying is assured. He is responsible and accountable for what he says or do. We pray for guidance.
Belief and Guardian are Siemens twins:
"Allah is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of darkness into the light, and as to those who disbelieve, their guardians are Shaitans who take them out of light into the darkness; they are the inmates of the fire, in it they shall abide". Qur'an (2:257)
You Are Put on Notice:- The Prophet (s.a.w) said:
"whatever I forbid you from doing, do not do them.
Whatever I command you to do,
Do as much of it as you are capable of doing"
A Muslim is constantly reminded to be alive to his responsibility; as it is a fact that what you talk or write about could be for or against you.
It Appears Easy:
Talking appears very easy. However when you watch a stammerer making effort at forming sentences, you come to realize that it is not so easy after all. This is how you will feel if you reflect. If you can reflect. Only a sober and guided person is capable of reflecting. We pray for continuous guardian.
Simple Observation May Help:
If you take time to watch the dumb making greater effort at communicating, you then come to the conclusion that talking is not as simple as calling "Mama" or "Baba".
The Cost of Talking-The-Talk:
Let us now see how cost or price could be attached to what comes out of your mouth. The cheapest of the network cost 20kobo per secs. That in Naira and kobo is #12:00 per min. #720 per hour
#2880:00 per four hours. #20160 per week,
#80,640:00 per month. #967,680:00 per year.
*using Nigeria Naira and Kobo as the currency of calculation*
That is using 4hr in a period of 24 hrs as bench mark!
You do not need to be an economist or financial analyst to acknowledge the fact that talk or talking the talk does not come cheap.
All the network provider are charging you for is the technology provided by sciences and engineering. The tool of communication itself is a gift of and from Allah (s.w.t). In this case: tongue, teeth and the two lips.
The Phone used is not part of the cost yet. The price is according to the deepness of your purse and taste you have cultivated over time.
Is it not better for you to reflect on the Creator of this fanciful being called Mankind and be thankful to Allah s.w.t
Worth of Your Speeches:
Let us now put value to your speeches. Of what value is what you say. To what benefit do you use the speech organs. For what purpose. If what you say brings trouble to the hearts, you have a burden. If what you say is injurious to the people, uh, you have a problem.
There are people that will be very busy at either abusing someone, cursing or gossiping. The talking some people get involved in destroys the people and society. Of what value is your speech(s) to yourself, family, friend or Nation. None!
As a Believer: You Should Know:
The number One article of Faith is to belief in Allah, the Omnipotent, Omniscient etc. as well as belief in the Messengers of Allah.
For a Muslim, it is an article of Faith to belief. Belief in the existence of Angels is a cardinal faith. The Angels carry out the order of their Maker without hesitation.
Sheikh Bilal Philips( May Allah accept his works) is worth quoting here.
"When you open your mouth to talk,
choose the very same words that you would use if Allah is near you. Because He is!"
You and Your Soul: Allah is in-between:
"And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein." [50:16]
If you are aware of this, will it benefit you to spend your entire time to be abusing people, gossip or to slander. When you realize the fact that you will be called to account for what you say, you will use the lock provided to control your speech; the teeth and the lips. Uh!
The Essence of Life is for you to be mindful of your actions.
At all time, it is better for you to remember that:
What You Talk or Write on
Could Be For or Against
For contact: Islamic Family Foundation
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